A few utilities for generating filter designs.
GENFILT.EXE calculates the order and component values for lumped element low/high and bandpass filters to Chebyshev or Butterworth responses. ELLIP.EXE contains a set of normalised elliptical designs and scales them to any cutoff frequency / design impedance. WGFILTER.EXE , derived from G3JVL's work is for waveguide iris coupled bandpass designs
SMITH.ZIP A simple to use Smith Chart calculator, written back in the good-old days of DOS (but still works perfectly in a Windoze Command Prompt, at least up to WinXP)
Use the cursor keys to move around a Smith chart, enter serial or parallel elements; devices with full or partial (S11 or S22) S-Parameters, change Zo, plot stability circles. Provides a continuous readoutof Z, Y and Rho plus distance moved around. All your actions are stored to a history file for later recall. There is some provision for reading S-Parameter files of a few rather old devices, and I think the .S2P format adopted is standard. No mouse support since at the time of writing, I didn't even know how to read the mouse under DOS. At least this has the advantage the S/W doesn't lock up under some command prompt settings (unlike a certain Geog suite!)
There's no documentation other than the help screen accessible from F1
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